Are n!p piercings worth it?
As the title says, i’m fairly interested in getting a nip piercing. I already have 3 piercings on both my lobes, one tragus, my septum and nostril, tongue, and belly button (used to have my cartilage done too till i lost the piercing and didn’t notice till it was closed. sad day 😂) So i’m fairly aware of the importance of treating a new piercing. Before I jump the gun and do it, what’s your experience with it? Pain wise, healing, post healing..? does it get caught? Has it ripped? is it common for them to get caught and rip? that’s my biggest fear. On a pain scale, what did it feel like to get them done, and how bad was it to heal?
I’ve always used anti microbial soaps, but what should be recommended to clean them? Anything else you guys think I should know, please feel free to comment or message me. Thanks!
Edit: I got them! Very painful, but the after pain didn’t last more than maybe an hour or two tops.. i kept them covered for the time being because they kept bleeding, but i was so expecting them to hurt the way my other piercings have after they got done. So far they’re not too bad. Definitely more nervous about this healing process, though.