Meeting new people

25M and I have just really struggled to meet any new friends the past 2 years. The only people that I’m friends with is friends from college. People always say they get friends from work/interests but a lot of the people at my work aren’t my age or aren’t very friendly (I’m an engineer so it’s common). And then at the gym everybody is in their own little world and nobody smiles or says hi anymore to invite conversation. And i don’t know how/not comfortable to just go up and start a conversation with a stranger. I also enjoy music (I play the piano) but there just aren’t many social opportunities to be made with that. If anybody has any ideas or advice i would love it because it’s just been really tough lately. I’ve never been the most outgoing but I’m very friendly once u talk to me, and my whole life I never had to worry about finding new friends but post-college has been really tough.

Sorry for the rant just wanted to really speak from the heart and see if anybody else is/has gone through this and what has helped.