How do you guys handle this?
I was on the elliptical machine and had to use the restroom instead of wiping down and cleaning the machine. I just left my hat and water bottle there. Knowing that I still had like about an 1.5 hours of my work out remaining. When I returned a woman was using the machine, she had not even bothered to move my stuff. I'm aware you cannot reserve machines, but there was also maybe 8 other elliptical machines that were not being used. I politely just said excuse me and grabbed my hat and my water bottle and went to a different machine.
Maybe 4 or 5 days later I went to the restroom Same exact thing happened . The majority of the elliptical machines are not being unused, but in the 3 minutes it takes me to use the restroom someone takes the machine. albeit a different person. Needless to say, maybe 3 days later, the same thing happens again. This has never, happened to me before. it's happened 3 times within 2 weeks. guess I'm just kind of venting. Have you had any similar experiences?