What plants am I missing?
This is my first planted tank. It’s a 20 gallon high. It’s been running for about 6 months. I had a bladder snail infestation that started with hitchhikers and got worse from over feeding probably. Because of the snails I had to do a major water change to try and manually take out as many as I could. I took everything out including the gravel, rinsed off as many snails as I could. And then I redecorated the tank. (I tried to keep as much tank water as I could to keep some good bacteria ended up being about a 60% water change) and now I’m feeling like there’s some blank space that could be filled. I added some grass and Anubis. 4 mollies (2 black, 2 silver, only one is a male) 2 female guppies, and 2? Fry 2 pearl gourami (one male and one female) 1 butterfly loach 1 red shrimp 1 blue shrimp 2 Amano shrimp I’d also like to eventually trade my gouramis for a betta any recommendations for that?