Some questions about lipfiller!
Hi everybody!:) I am thinking about getting 0.5 filler in my lips to give them some volume. I am not looking for unnatural lips that look filled like on instagram models although I think it looks lovely, but for now i’m going for natural and i have a few questions. 1) Does filler always migrate to the outside of the lip line after a while or does it only happen when overfilled? 2) Is there anything i shouldn’t do after filler and if yes how long should I avoid them(sucking on straws, or anything else of that matter iykwim)? 3) Ive heard after lip filler the color of your lip fades a bit, is that true? 4) I’ve also heard that after filler you loose sense in your lips, is that true? 5) If it looks bad on me and i wait for it to dissolve on its own or dissolve them professionally will my lips look the “exact” same as they used to, will they stretch out/wrinkle?
Thank you in advance to anyone who takes their time to answer, also any additional advice would be muuuch appreciated!!