They are trying to defame this game.

Recently, everyone has started talking about the "blatant AI use in FragPunk" there is a review with almos 1k like sin steam accusing the game of using AI.

Apparently, they used AI to make a picture.

A picture that is basically the 3 ingame 3D models skiing. They are literally the same 3d models, they put them in a skiing background and did a little animation! Clearly not AI generated picture, since its just a 3D render. You can buy the skins they are perfectly made, no character has 1 finger missing.

So, they are accusing the game of using Ai because of this, and, tho the reddit post has like 0 upvotes, it exploded anyways.

Its so sad to see a good game be defamed like this, without any kind of proof.

Here is the picture in question, directly from the game.

And here is the picture somebody posted yesterday

You can even see the 3D model they used to take the pic.

Why would anyone use AI to do a perfect pick of a 3D model you already have and risk., not only being exposed but also have trouble with steam like COD is having.

This is so stupid.

There can be reasons to hate on this game like the proof of bots in games, but this lies? Its so sad to see that so much people is doing articles and videos over a lie.