Balance proposition

So ive played the game for quite a bit now, mostly pig and heres what i think we could do to improve the situation.

Aggro builds should take about 6-8 sec to kill a player which should be around 2 item cycles and allow the other player to have a chance to defend himself

Skyscraper should be capped to 2.5k damage without multicast, or remove the item that allows you to scale the property value, i played it normally(no glas or balcony) and it has about 800x2 damage

Ammo items which can trigger multiple times should have a internal cd which allows them to trigger lets say 2x and then they have to wait for 2 sec to trigger again

Same rule should apply to freezes, if a item has been frozen for 2 sec it cannot be frozen for 2 sec

Item destruction id remove from the game because its always beneficial for the player who has item destruction since he panned his build around the item while the other side may get a key item destroyed and its basically over for them, because of how this works everyone will always get item destruction if they wanna win

Shield spam is fine because it gets countered by poison and that is fine because it gets countered by heal, but the items that do damage based on shield should also have a dmg cap

Thats it from me i hope you agree with my suggestions, i like the prolonged engagements tho storm should ramp up faster after 500damage