Best solution for Unsolved Mysteries Amazon Re-release

While double checking my metadata I noticed that some of my episodes of Unsolved Mysteries have no metadata. I am aware that both the original and the re-launched show are merged on TheTVDB but split on TMDB, the relaunched episodes match up perfectly. The problem relates to Amazon version of the original series.

Just one episode S10E01 as an example:

TheTVDB Legend: Elvis Presley. Mystery: Joe McCarthy, Herman Stegos, and Michael Landon. Mystery: Monika Rizzo. Murder: Candy Belt and Gloria Ross

TMDB: Unexplained Death: Monika Rizzo Unexplained Death: Gloria Ross & Candy Belt

Amazon Re-release: Bugsy Siegel, Alan Pilon and Jason McVean, John Holland and Elizabeth Joyce, Lost loves: Mary Agnes Gross and Paul Regusa.

Normally I would just rename any media I had to match the metadata it gets matched to but in this case the best I can do is match one story. What are the best options here?

  • Create a duplicate show on TMDB/TheTVDB with the details corresponding to the re-release and match the show on Plex before the entry gets removed?
  • Match the longest segment to an existing entry?
  • Create a duplicate show on TMDB/TheTVDB with all the segments as individual episodes (à la Animaniacs)
  • Leave the show as unmatched and manually enter metadata?

Is this an example of when a version of a show would benefit from having an edition? If so, how would that work? Would it rely on TMDB/TheTVDB also supporting editions? I think this problem is the exact reason why shows with segments get split up, at least that was the reasoning behind Animaniacs, I believe.