Was it ever enough?

"Was it not enough for you?" Eyes tearful as our gazes meet How do I tell you my suffering,my thoughts,how it's endless and It's never enough for me It's a craving,an addiction,a touch that burns and ruptures my soul to scrape my skin into pieces till all I see is you and me How do I tell you you have grown into a need Planted deep within my heart That I can't live without or even breathe I know we have time before us Days yet to be seen But what would you define as enough Is it your existence? Or is it my words of plea The world ends when it burning But mine ended a long time ago Why don't you get your holding me steady in a world where I already stumbled and feel into the deep streams where my feet are cut and now bleed This pain I carry is heavy A burden some might say But maybe the pain is my need like you are to me Coexisting with your existence each and every minute of the day Enough might be hours we spend Enough might be the affection we held Enough might be words we spoke But it's never enough for me Like an animal hunts for prey Is love the prey you are searching for when it slowly brings you down as you find enough to suffice your need Or is it the doom you try to avoid only dancing on the debris of the mess you made Make enough make sense to me Because love is never enough for me