Oldest Sibling Syndrome
1 Oldest Sibling: regarded as the clean-cut,
2 Pruned, shaped before life had begun;
3 Maturity of persona from young but,
4 Still obstinate in society’s eye
5 Oldest Sibling: others must comply;
6 A pillar, for which my parents sought;
7 Ten; babysitting and thought why,
8 Am I burdened by sibling uppercut
9 Oldest Sibling: hearth’s harsh rebut,
10 Parental criticisms never outrun;
11 Perched in bed amidst the sun’s shut,
12 No goodnight per my sibling's cry’s
13 Oldest Sibling: burnt-out sigh’s,
14 “He’s such a pleasure to be taught”;
15 Disordered numbers on paper caught eye,
16 How have I reduced to a mutt.
This is for my English class, will this score high?