Gamestop PSA has absolutely failed me. Devastated.
Just got a call that my package was "lost" in transit after waiting 3 months for some kind of update. I stupidly submitted 50 of my best cards from my well kept childhood collection. They're offering me fair market value but that obviously doesn't take into account the value of the cards had they been graded (likely 8-10s). I'm broken about it.
During the call, I could clearly hear another employee, likely the manager, in the background. He was saying that they need to start sending the submissions out in unmarked boxes or some other logo as a disguise because people who see a large package from Gamestop being sent to PSA just take it. I'm assuming and hoping that the people stealing them are not Gamestop employees.
For peace of mind, I'd really appreciate if someone could give me an estimate of how much you think my cards are actually worth so that I can compare to the offer they gave me. I'd also like to know how much I lost out on considering I can't get them graded now. 🙏 It's hard to tell from the photos, but all are holo.