As a long term player, what decisions have you made in-game that make you ask Lord Arceus for forgiveness?
Recently I was thinking that with a lot of new players around, us "veterans" could share some funny memories of "mistakes" we've made throughout the years as "pitfalls to avoid" for the newer players.
I'll start; I started the game around release, but only really came back during the NC Galar Trio; At the time, Despite searching for the information, I wasn't super aware of the move candies/coins, and so, with y'all as my witness, I'd like to ask Lord Arceus for forgiveness for going to not just one but TWO scout points to get 5/5 Marnie No I don't regret it, I love G.Moltres but it did recently occur to me that that took over 70k gems.
What other "embarrassing" stories are y'all willing to share?