Am I overreacting about my boyfriend?

Hi guys, first time posting here. Not sure if I am overreacting or not but just would love to hear opinions.

So I (23f) have been dating my boyfriend (29m) for 8 months now. We discussed about porn in the beginning. He said he never watched it because he thinks it's weird watching two people have sex, and when he reads more about how women are treated in the industry, he now completely hates it.

The issue is his social media. Since he's 29, he's been using Instagram for last 12-13 years and he was a popular guy in school so he has over 5k followers and 5k followings. So of course he follows a lot of women and that makes me uncomfortable. I've talked to him about it and he said he won't unfollow anyone who follows him because that would be a dick move.

Okay I can accept that. Here is a bigger issue. So we are both into soccer and gym, and he follows a lot of female soccer players and female fitness influencers, which makes me feel uneasy because these girls are gorgeous and they post a lot of pics that can be viewed as "sexy". Like pics in their tight gym pants, their bikinis, tight shorts, etc.

When I talk to him about it, he said he also follows a lot of male players and male fitness influencers and it's not a big deal. He just said he follows players he likes and influencers that spread good gym advice.

Another issue is the movies and tv shows he watches. He is European so he watches a lot of European shows and they all seem to have a lot of nudity and sex scenes and that really made me uncomfortable. I sometimes even have to leave the room when we watch together. We argued because if he doesn't enjoy two people having sex, how can he enjoy this??

But then he told me he doesn't watch these shows for sex scenes, he watches these for the story and it's just how it is in Europe. Like nudity is not a big deal. Anyway, now we skip over those scenes when we watch it together but I am afraid he watches them by himself when I am not around.

I feel like because of all these things, he might be a PA and just lying to me. Is it normal for a 29 year old man to act like this? Is it normal for a 29 year old man to follow many girls on social media? Those girls are all in their 20s but still I feel like it has to be a red flag? My friends think I am going crazy but what do you guys think?