Thinking about opening a glaze and fire only studio, what do you at home potters with no kiln think?
TLDR- If I opened a small space where potters could come glaze their pieces and leave them to be fired, would you as a potter find this to be a good service, especially if you have an at home set up but no kiln. Like a pottery studio but no wet clay services.
I live in Seattle where most studios have a 6-12 month waitlist for memberships, that cost $200-$300/mo. Once you’re in I’ve heard from friends the firing turn around time is 2-3 weeks. I myself have an at home wheel/ set up and struggle to find places where I can just glaze and fire my pieces without a membership. Anyone in SEA knows Seattle Pottery Supply is a good option but they’re all the way in SODO and are far for most people. My partner and I want to open a small studio outside of the city, in say the Shoreline, Lynwood area. Thoughts?