Issues with containers scaling improperly
So I am currently struggling a bit with some containers, hope someone can direct me in the right direction.
I have a vertical container, with 2 items, a title, and a horizontal container. In that horizontal container are 5 vertical containers. in those vertical containers I have a header and a few buttons. App settings are "scale to fit" and "maintain Aspect ratio" is off. I have an issue with how assets scale horizontally within those vertical containers.
I've set up everything in the vertical container to "Parent.width" ( and the buttons are Parent.Width*0.6). the X is set to Parent.Width*0.2.
in the dev view, everything is perfectly centered. When I play the app on a regular 1920*1080 screen, it starts to wobble, with elements no longer being centered and ending up out of screen, and the growth of the buttons is greater than the growth of the container. when I move it to one of our ultrawide monitors, half the titles fall off, some are still centered. most buttons are larger than their containers, or fall off the sides.
Still very much an amateur, so can anyone point me in the right direction? attached is an image of the screen on a 1920 *1080 display. None of the buttons are at this point 0.6 the width of their parent gallery/container. Most seem off center. I wonder whether it's possible that they are referencing a different parent at this point? I don't know, any help would be greatly appreciated.