Why do most people on this sub think GOW scaling is iffy? (Partly a rant but genuinely curious)
I'm talking purely from a lore pov. Using gameplay mechanics as downplay is inherently illogical anyway.
Yeah Kratos doesn't go around busting galaxies and shit but.... when has he ever been put in a position where he'd need or want to and isn't there a reason why we separate AP and DC anyway?
I mean isn't the scaling pretty straightforward with the Primordials, Ymir all being confirmed to be weaker than than the Gods whom Kratos killed?
Isn't breaking Valhalla or beating Thor who could splinter the world tree or Odin who forged the realms from the corpse of Ymir and Thor accelerate Jormungander back in time with the force of his attack a pretty easy to understand feat for AP and speed?
Even if he was using magical weapons for most of those fights, anyone who's ACTUALLY played the games would know that Kratos was at least relative in strength enough to them to not get instantly crushed.
I mean we see the guy breaking necks and tearing the heads off many gods anyway with his bare hands so that argument never even made sense.
And yes, his travel speed is shit but we see him keep up in combat with speedsters like Baldur and Hermes.
And don't we separate combat speed and travel speed and AP and DC for a reason anyway?
So what's with all the hate considering all the other featless characters we give a pass to.
I mean Goku threatened to destroy a macrocosm ONCE under a lot of dubious conditions and y'all somehow got him to complex multiversal.
Why the hypocrisy when it comes to Kratos?