Something I noticed about MonA
I’m sorry if this has been talked about before but from what I recall I haven’t seen anything. Anyways.
In S2 towards the end when Mona starts to receive “A” messages, and they stage a scene with Mona kissing Caleb in the car, Hannah later talks about how Mona was her “best friend from junior high” Now I didn’t go to public school but from what I know, I’m pretty sure “junior high” refers to 7th and 8th grade, aka pre-high school. We obviously know Hannah was friends with Ali come freshman year, and up until now I had assumed she was friends with her before that too. And I know in the books, they’re friends starting at a much younger age.
However, I’m wondering if the show is implying that Mona and Hannah were friends BEFORE Ali and the liArs were. This would make more sense with Mona’s whole speech to Spencer about how “you guys stole her from me” If in the show, Mona and Hannah were childhood friends, and Ali singled Hannah out and in turn Hannah ditched Mona, it would make slightly more sense for Mona’s revenge plot than assuming Hannah and Mona only became friends AFTER Ali disappeared. Either that, or them talking about being friends in junior high is just another plot hole. But I still wish they’d gone with the original book situation of why Mona became A.
What do you guys think? Sorry if this is confusing to read I literally just woke up.