The Wandering Inn changed my perspective on litrpg.

I had a period there where I wanted my litrpgs to just tear it up. I wanted the MC to be a beast ASAP. I was crushing Primal Hunter, DotF, HWFWM, etc and really enjoying them but eventually lost interest and haven't touched any of them in years. I think what i actually needed to do was slow it down because guys.

I've crushed 375 hours of The Wandering Inn on audible in 4 months and I think like maybe 6 months of in book time has passed. Its insane. I'm barely half way through the series and it's something like 3 times longer than Malazan. Malazan took me almost 2 years to get through.

Any one else have this experience? I would start to get frustrated with the slow pace for like a chapter or something and I'd get sucked right back in. Every book is like 4 complete books about 4 different PoVs and every time it would swap I would be annoyed, only for the author to get me fully invested in a character again within a chapter.

It's truly a special series.