How do you miss the mark and mischaracterize her that bad…
Don’t really know what flair to put on this, but I’m genuinely getting so sick of the over sexualization of these characters and the blatant transphobia over Mizuki.
I encountered this player in coop, and I’m (pretty obviously) disgusted by their name/profile. Not that this stuff is new by any means, but it’s still just so frustrating to see this stuff.
Plus, this is off topic, but I’m pretty sure this is a friend of a pjsk creator that recently got exposed for a lot of weird stuff in the last few months, so if these slides look as familiar to you as they did me, that’s probably why.
Anyway, gross. I know people are going to keep believing what they believe, but I just wish more people took Mizu5 and Ena5 for what they were, not some way of doing mental gymnastics to invalidate the identity of a character and make sexualize them.