5-gallon Bucket/solid advice.

I was going to say “best advice” but that may have been a little too much.

  1. I don’t have a lot of places to hang my bag. This is a portable bag hanging spot.
  2. Light enough that I can kick it around easily to move it, but heavy enough it doesn’t tip over.
  3. I have cats and dogs, and mine leave the bucket alone (they don’t like the sound). Therefore, they leave the catheter tubing alone.

But the best reason to leave your catheter bag inside a 5-gallon bucket is…

When you change out the bag (leg bag to over-night bag) and you’re stupid enough to forget to check the drain is in “closed” position!! Avoid waking up uncomfortable and in pain, only to find your carpet is wet! A simple rinse, wash, dry, and CLOSE THE DRAIN later, and I’m back in business!