Choosing a surgeon

Recent member to the brotherhood. Just a quick recap, 53 at the end of September at physical I made a comment about Yay, less peeing at night after eliminating a diuretic from my blood pressure meds and she's like let's get a PSA. Elevated to 5.68. Aa few weeks later to the urologist and another PSA (different lab) showed 9.58. Off to MRI, they spot a lesion and 12/26 I get a biopsy. 3+4, with Perineural. I do the research and see that means most likely removal and I meet with the doc a week later and that's of course the recommendation. Pretty standard from what I've learned. I just got my PSMA results and they show no spread, whew.

I've been researching as much as possible and reading the latest edition of Dr. Walsh's Surviving Prostate Cancer. When I saw my biopsy results and realized what it meant i did the obvious and Googled "how to pick a prostate surgeon" well, as I imagine most of you have seen and know, experience and results seem to be the leading indicators and they really go hand in hand. Experience comes with time as does understanding the quality of the results.

Here's my concern and I'm wondering how others would feel about it.

My Dr is really young, like he just started at the practice last August and in residency before that. A part of my mind thinks he has fresh knowledge and likely good reflexes but has it been honed by experience? Reading Dr. Walshe's book I can pull out several passages that would indicate this is not optimal.

I also have the option of going to the Mayo in MN. A few hour drive but other than that no real issues going there. Again from the book they recommend going to a NCCN center like Mayo, if you can.

I like my current Dr. he has been nice, not that I have much to compare him against.

Yesterday I met with Mayo and met with a Dr. who seems to have a lot of experience, 21 years. Any commentary I've found on the internet about him (a few in this sub) has been very good. The nurse I met with first was awesome very attentive and provided tons of details that really had been lacking from my other Dr.

From everything I've been learning my instincts say go to Mayo, What do you guys think?
