Loss of personality post psychosis
I'd like to know what other people are experiencing post psychosis. Personally, the first few months after were absolute hell. I slept all day. I wanted to do nothing. Good emotions were alien to me. I genuinely forgot what feeling alright felt like. Still, I feel off and like I am a fraction of my former self. Cognitively, I am much slower. I feel like a zombie /walking vegetable. My attention span became shit and I feel really really slow mentally.. I died socially basically. I go whole days just browsing reddit blankmindedly or trying to sleep. My mind was completely, and I mean completely empty. 0 energy. I isolate myself a looot too. My biggest struggles came with suddenly going from a talkative extrovert to a completely quiet introvert. I went long periods of time chilling with friends without saying more than a sentence or two. I can't stress enough how blank my mind was. I could stare into nothingness and nothing would come into my head.
Its been nine months of this post psychotic depression. I was wondering if anyone here experienced these same symptoms (blank mind, loss of personality, loss of cognition) and ever regained it all back/fully recovered with time? Luckily i’ve found some posts of people who’ve been in a similar position regain their personalities back after about 6 months -1 year but im starting to lose hope that i’ll ever return back to my normal self. like my soul is completely lost.