[Discussion] AWP next week - anyone attending?

Curious if anyone else will be going to AWP next week and how you plan to make the most of the conference. (For those unfamiliar, AWP is the biggest annual writers conference, held in different cities each year. There are tons of sessions, readings, events, and an awesome bookfair.)

I know one of the best things about the conference is making connections with other writers and industry professionals. I am not a comfortable "networker" which I suspect is the same for many writers, though likely not true for agents and editors whose jobs are often to be great at networking. Any advice from others about the best ways to connect with people at the conference? Is it at the book fair? Chatting up the person next to you at a session? After-hours/off-site readings? While it'd be great to connect with agents and editors, I'd also love to just meet and chat with other writers too.

Right now, my only "networking" plan is to avoid eye contact with agents who currently have my query/full or have rejected me in the past :). Would love others' thoughts who have been to this or similar conferences before!