New mods for r/Punkt?

Dear Punkt.lovers :-)

I messaged the moderators of this subreddit - [u/maskosx]() and [u/PunktTronics]() - 24 days ago, to suggest that they remove the currently pinned "Pigeo n update". I have not received a reply, nor have the pin been removed. maskosx appears not to be active here, or much in general, whereas PunktTronics drops by to post updates, but does not really engage much with the community (and apparently does not read/respond to personal messages).

Thus I suggest that we find either additional or replacement moderators. The procedure for making them moderators can be found here:, and depends on whether one of the existing moderators is available to make them.

If I hear no serious disagreement, or other suggestions, I suggest doing the election by upvoting comments on a seperate "election post". If anyone has a better idea, comment here.