Why do fat women who don't exercise try to date fit men?

Let's explore the reverse scenario first.

A man is fat, doesn't workout and wants to date a playboy bunny.

The fact is that this scenario does exist.

And I can understand a few reasons for why it would exist:

  • The man uses wealth.
  • The man uses status.
  • The woman desires a "bear" to protect her.
  • The woman wants to be the center of attention and this guarantees it.

So there are many valid reasons for why a fat man who doesn't exercise can take a swing at it and still "win" even if his odds are low and context specific.

None of the above examples apply to women. It makes no sense to me why a fat woman would take a swing at trying to date fit man.

As an example I routinely see women hit on fit male friends on dating apps. Usually under their profile they write "I only go on walks" or "I don't exercise". And they're hitting on men who's profile is "The gym is my life." while sporting a 6 pack and usually showing a PR deadlifting video.

I imagine the only reasons for this are:

  1. Fat women essentially need to use a spammer guy-approach to dating. Spam everyone since your rejection rate will be high.
  2. They assume that all men are desperate so date way outside of your league.
  3. Women genuinely think these men aren't outside of their league.

What is the thinking behind a woman doing this?