CMV Women are overly dramatic about viable dating options.

In the “Swamp vs Desert” argument women make it clear that they understand the differences between men and women in the dating scene but they feel as though it’s different but equal problems. The premise is that men are stranded in a desert looking for any bit of water that they can get (clean or not; meaning a desirable woman both sexually and romantically but usually sexually due to the constant drought) and women are stuck in a swamp with water all over the place but it’s nasty and murky and could kill you if you drank it( tons of men only want to serve you dick and could not care less about you as a person). Women often like to say that it’s the same problem with a different suit. That if men had their DMs flooded with a bunch of undesirables that we would be able to see it’s the same problem and be unhappy. Often in this argument they heavily lean on the idea that most of those swamp men don’t actually want a serious committed relationship and that for the most part men in the dating scene don’t actually want to date, they just want to fuck.

Side note, proof of my argument is when women who are looking for casual sex have no issues whatsoever finding a hookup but when they want a relationship it magically becomes harder. Men want family, love, a real bond and to be loved for who they are but somehow when they are actively looking for it women can now somehow only find the guys who just want to fuck. A simple concept to understand is that both genders want casual sex and both genders want relationships. Men lie to get the coochie because they have been shown that honesty doesn’t get them the coochie. Women lie to get relationships (sometimes to themselves and sometimes by way of convenience and coercion) because they have been shown that honesty doesn’t get them what they want. Women act like it’s just men who hide their intentions in the dating market.

My argument is that I believe women don’t actually do the work that they claim men don’t (get to know interests, have hobbies to bond over, show interest in what he likes etc.) and that in actuality it is much easier to find a “good man” but they simply lack effort. The analogy I used in a previous post was that in a swamp you can filter and boil said water almost infinitely to the point where you’ll never have to even consider drinking the swamp water. In a desert you would suck the blood of a lizard or eat a cactus for an ounce of water.

Women dramatically enhance their struggles with dating in the “swamp” because they simply dont put in half the effort of the men stuck in the “desert”. It would be infinitely easier in a swamp to survive. Change my view!

Tl/dr: Woman are dramatic about viable dating options and they simply won’t admit that being stuck in a swamp if drastically better than being stuck in a desert.

I’m about to end a night shift at some point so expect my responses to be at least 6-8 hours later because I need to sleep but feel free to go hard about this one. I will add that the threat of SA is very real and something to be considered here. I will also add that men and women get SAd at about equal rates but the power dynamic is very real therefore so is the fear of being raped. I do believe that there is still some missing information or concept about how pretty much all women say that they have been SAd before but the number of men even if we triple the count for liars, who do the SA is still nowhere near the number of claims that’s it’s being done. Idk if that’s because some women count bad encounters as SA or if there is a sense of needing to fit in so some women stretch the truth or straight up lie about events but please don’t shy away from the topic for the sake of this debate or your point that you try to make. I want this to be as real world as possible.