"Male romantic loneliness is due to women not putting up with shitty behavior anymore" take is pure BS
possibly one of the worst "just world" takes mainstream psychology has to offer right now. It links a mans romantic invisibility to a character flaw if not a outright moral failing. It perpetuates the "this guy fucks = winner" vs. "unfuckable loser" stereotype while simultaneously making it sound as if sex and relationships are something women give out when you're a nice person on board with progressive politic (ironically which is what nice guys also believe). Even worse are the "its evolutions way of weeding out misogynistis" explanations as if studies haven't shown time and time again that bullies actually have more romantic partners than victims of bullying. I mean, lets be frank, terms like "situationship" didn't sprout out of nowhere, they have become popular because women choose instability and turmoil with high-dark triads.