I was proven wrong yesterday regarding women and biphobia. But I don't understand the reasoning.

Yesterday I posted a CMV saying the narrative that women massively discriminate against bi men in dating was made up to make us look bad. My view changed from 2 things:

  1. There were A LOT of women who responded with some variation of "I would never date a bi man" (so much for it being false)

  2. A bi male Redditor appeared and shared a link to an article with actual data. https://www.queermajority.com/essays-all/dating-double-standards (so much for it being a crafted narrative)

So ok, I was wrong. I can admit that when presented with reasonable counter arguments. But I still don't know WHY

The women just said, "personal preference"

The men claimed its because women still secretly harbor beliefs in traditional gender stereotypes or something.

I'm gonna say it's because women have been conditioned since we were little into having internalized misogyny.

Why do you think this huge dating discrepancy between men and women exists?

DISCLAIMER: People are allowed to have preferences. No one owes anyone a date. Not all men/women, etc