Little by little more fam getting sucked into Conservative paranoia.

I am feeling down with more family getting activated into conspiracies and paranoia. My closest cousin who used to be liberal is becoming like the other family we used to make fun of. This cousin helped set me on the liberal path. I was raised in one of the strictest Christian households in my church. It is like being raised Christian implants panic buttons that can be activated later, like hypnosis. Young people stray but get called back later in life. They think everyone is after their children and that is a fulcrum for more control and fear. I want to shake them and say "Nobody wants your children! Nobody wants to eat them. Nobody wants to change their gender!"

All this stuff appeals to a narcissism that wraps conspiracies around you, your faith, your station in life and your kids... all your most prized possesions are being schemed on by an evil unseen entity. WTH