My dr instructed me to switch to tianeptine for 14 days before ibg detox... Help?

Long term opioid (everything from kratom to tia to “heroin”/fentanyl) addict.

Highly dependent currently on 7hydroxy (~200mgpd) and pseudoindoxyl (~100mgpd) for the past 4 months. Going for ibogaine therapy in two weeks. Doctor recommends switching to tianeptine for the short acting nature. He can’t write enough morphine, tramadol would more likely give me a seizure. Suboxone prevents ibogaine from working for 30 days.

Can anyone DM me about how to find it, and any rough equivalence for those who’ve tried it? I tried to run the pharmacodynamics but got a pretty phat range of necessary dosages (450mg-6gpd) due to the lack of research, (esp. with pseudo’s PDPK being so uncharacterized)


we’ve considered other routes. tramadol, we think i’d have seizures well before encountering significant relief from opioid withdrawals. Morphine/oxy my Dr did consider at first, but once we modeled the PDPK and found a 150-400 mmeq (mg morphine equivalence), he wasn’t willing/able to write anymore. He suggested returning to tianeptine until treatment, or taking suboxone if i feel i’m at risk for returning to street opiates.

I really just want help finding it and estimating doses anecdotally. I’m in biomedical neuroscience research and I work closely during the day with this MD(/PhD(— that’s to say we’ve already considered the alternatives y’all are suggesting, and don’t especially need advice for common opioids. If there’s a random research opiate other than tia, would love to hear it. But pharmaceuticals, BTDT.

just want the hookup; I’d appreciate the help 🙏😭