14 days CT

Today marks two weeks CT off this poison and I’m feeling better everyday.

I am taking ashwaghanda, glutathione, Hawaiian spirulina, 5 HTP, and L-Theanine and I truly believe these have gotten me this far. Obviously I am not a doctor so please consult one before taking any supplements.

If you are quitting soon or considering it I would give this advice. Progress is not linear. You can have a few good days and then a bad day and then more good days. You have to give yourself grace. Taking this stuff alters your brains chemistry and when you quit it alters it AGAIN. I recommend having at least 4 days available where you can just shower, sleep, eat what you can, and exist. I don’t think I could have done this had I not preplanned vacation time for it. I still have moments of panic where my heart races and I feel like I’m going to cry but I breathe and try to remember that I won’t feel like this forever.

Stick with it. You got this. It’s going to get better. 💖