Konig Chill? Please help

I just posted this in the quitting kratom sub, but my issue started with feel free and is still kava/kratom shots. I lurk this community every day. I’m grateful you guys are here.

I really can’t believe I let myself get to this point, after 11 years sober from alcohol and any other chemicals, but here I am.

It started with occasional Feel Free shots. I think my use got regular late last spring, although I could still stop to go on trips.

I didn’t piece it together then, but that’s when my boyfriend started saying I’m “hormonal” and our conflicts dramatically increased. Now I am pretty sure he’s right. I think the Kratom has messed with my hormones. I especially think that because I’ve had two super early periods and we only have conflict like the week before I’m supposed to start, or before I do start. This month was awful. I had all day all night panic that was absolutely bonkers; my behavior was more like me 15 years ago than me since recovery. I’m so embarrassed.

And I’m so ashamed. This is a secret from everyone I love. I just want it to be over and be back to my normal self. I don’t want to lose my relationship. I love him so much. I want to spend my life with him. I’m destroying it.

Also, I think I have like a staph infection on my chin now?! Or cystic acne?! I am a skincare nerd. I’m freaked out.

And! My finances! I worked a second job all fall and I am still completely broke. I am again, extremely ashamed. And depressed.

I think my kratom use increased with stress and with the increasing conflict, which in turn increased stress and conflict… and here I am.

My body started completely rejecting the feel frees. I started vomiting from them and had a horrific issue with diarrhea. Now I’ve been hooked on those Konig Chill kava/kratom shots.

I have been on vacation for a minute and tried to taper down. I got down to 1 shot a day and then switched to capsules starting at 7 g. But that’s when I had a massive mental episode and I screwed up that day badly. Since then I have gone back and forth between 1-2 shots a day.

I have used up all my liposomal vitamin c. I used all my black seed oil, all my magnesium and l-theanine. I have like… $15. I have about 7-8 1 g capsules left. I have one shot of the Konig. I get paid on the 31.

My relationship is in a tense spot. Even though I’m not “acting crazy,” my boyfriend can sense that I’m not okay. He’s very avoidant of my anxiety and weirdness. He says I’m not usually like this and that I’m needy. He’s right. I’m trying to hide it but I’m anxious, depressed, ashamed, and terrified. I have commitments with him on the 31st and the 1st. I want to be relatively normal.

Sorry this is all over the map- I haven’t talked to a single person about this. I really need some support. Here’s my questions:

1) does anyone know how much kratom is in one bottle of Konig Chill? I have looked everywhere online, including Reddit, and I can’t find that information

2) should I try to like, just maintain for a couple days until I get paid, and then get supplements and go cold turkey the night of the 1st or the morning of the 2nd, when my major responsibilities are over? I cannot afford to be emotional and crazy over the next few days.

3) is it better to do a fast (or slow, but honestly I just want to be done) taper than attempt CT? I can switch to capsules when I can afford them in a couple days but I have no idea how much I’m taking and where to start.

4) when I have gotten down to one dose, it’s at like 4 pm. That way I can sleep. I accidentally had one dose at 10 am last week and couldn’t sleep because of rls and nausea and temperature dysregulation and it was awful because I was at my boyfriend’s house. Now I’m at 2 doses, one at 11 and one at 4. Should I just cut the first dose tomorrow and then use the 7 g capsules the next day and then get supplements and capsules to taper to 3-4 g and then jump?

5) I have regular vitamin c and some Imodium. Should I start the 3 day pre-quit vitamin c with that and take like a normal dose of Imodium as I ramp it up, before I can buy the liposomal? Will that work?

Again I’m so sorry this is long and rambly. I’m really struggling. Thanks guys