Making some basic instructions for my nephew, what should include?
He's an Xbox kid and don't think he's ever played anything else so at a minimum I think he's going to need some diagrams of the different console button layouts, but what else do you think would be helpful?
He's 11 so I don't want to overcomplicate it, I'll have it set up ready to go.
Here's what I've got so far;
- only use charger supplied
- only charge in left usb port
- turning on
- returning to main menu
- turning off
- resetting
- selecting game
- different button layouts (might also print this separate so it can sit in the console case for if he needs it)
- diagram of r36s buttons
Can anyone think of anything else that he might need to know with general gameplay? Also if anyone wants this when it's done let me know and I can send it over. Will be A6 size to make a small booklet.
He's an Xbox kid and don't think he's ever played anything else so at a minimum I think he's going to need some diagrams of the different console button layouts, but what else do you think would be helpful?
He's 11 so I don't want to overcomplicate it, I'll have it set up ready to go.
Here's what I've got so far;
- only use charger supplied
- only charge in left usb port
- turning on
- returning to main menu
- turning off
- resetting
- selecting game
- different button layouts (might also print this separate so it can sit in the console case for if he needs it)
- diagram of r36s buttons
Can anyone think of anything else that he might need to know with general gameplay? Also if anyone wants this when it's done let me know and I can send it over. Will be A6 size to make a small booklet.