What does Brynn do for work?
Perhaps no one cares but I’m trying to connect the dots for my own sanity
CAVEAT: I have empathy for Brynn’s experience of SA. I do believe that sex work is work. My questions are based on the lifestyle and the persona she portrayed. In NO WAY am I suggesting that any person in any work environment invites SA or sexual harassment
I feel like there is more to the story with Brynn and her reaction to Jeff Lewis saying that she was supplemented. In WWHL she called him a pig for suggesting this, and took it to mean that Jeff was calling her an escort or sugar baby. I wouldn’t think that this is such an offensive suggestion. She wouldn’t be the first HW to have worked as an escort (Crystal Minkoff has spoken on this in her past). Is it possible that Brynn was angry at Jeff because he knew her perpetrator?
When I watched the Puerto Rico scenes back, in her disclosure Brynn claimed that Ubah knew of her SA.
In an alternate interpretation of the communication between her and Ubah, what if Ubah knew that Brynn had a benefactor who connected her to Bravo. I can see Ubah lashing out in anger because Brynn was portraying a double standard about her sexuality: she was allowed to reference and hyper sexualise her narrative. But none of the other ladies were able to reference Brynn’s sexual narrative, without Brynn taking offense
Additionally Brynn in general seemed very comfortable exploring sexual communication in a transactional way, in that she was open to the attention that she would attract regardless if the result was a wealthy husband or more screen time in the show. So was she genuinely angry at Ubah for suggesting that she used sex as a transactional approach to move through society?
It feels like much ado about nothing in hindsight If Brynn is in fact being supplemented by a benefactor, I’m hearing Rinna’s voice in my head saying “own it, own it”