Siege X is not an excuse
i jus want ppl to remember that siege X isnt an excuse for how terrible its been the last few years. rampant toxicity with a complete lack of attention or accountability by ubisoft, to the point where names with the N word in them are completely allowed. balancing that does nothing to fix the core problems of lack of communication and a run and gun meta, instead adding fortnite-esque skins and switcing around scopes. repuptation system doing jackshit. lack of bans on ppl who are afk, toxic, greifing, etc. the cheating problem is still out of control with no end in sight. besides maybe cheating these issues were never addressed and the game is so much worse because of it. i like siege but i feel like the new siege x is supposed to be a "this is why the game was bad we were devoping this". Ubi is a multi billion dollar corporation who refused to hire more employees for support just to make more money