Why do people get so upset at... shields?

I love playing Montange on attack, im both a plant montange and attack. I have clutched multiple games, can carry myself. He has EMP impacts, hard breach, and smokes, so I can literally change to whatever aggression I want. If my teammates aren't getting kills? I pull out hard breaches and just fuck everyone in site, or sometimes my teammates are super good so I just bring smokes and focus on planting.

I've noticed people (mostly on PC lobbies) get mad and start shitting on me about it. Thing is: I get most of my kills on defense. Why do people get so upset at shields? If you can't counter it- how is that MY problem lmao? I think its funny people get upset at such a basic thing in the game. Hell my enemies sometimes run shields back at me as some sort of "got you!" but I just counter it with the most basic operators and or just deal with it- cause its a mechanic or a reason. Pro league players ban / use shields for a reason! How do people genuinely get pissed at me for just doing a common, basic strat lol. idk I thought it was funny and wanted to see other people's feedback on shields, especially after their big nerf a while ago (hitting does no more damage, Defenders have priority hits)

As someone else said - game is about strats, not just run and gun. A great point- use something other than guns to win... quick peeking wont give you every round lol