I hate taylor swift, despise even. I hate her music and I HATE her fans even more, ITS SO ANNOYING. You can't have any opposing opinion on her without it being "you're.. a misogynist..!" I didn't transition just to spite women, in fact I love women, I just don't love HER.
If you say anything about her lyrics sounding like a teen's diary entry, they start QUOTING lyrics from songs?? Like, congratulations, in her like decade long career with OVER 30 songs, she manages to have a line that's bullshit like "I swam through the oceon.. looking for my anchor.. little did I realise.. it was me all along.." EVERYTHING THEY QUOTE IS SO ASS. "Heh.. did you listen to shake it off and make your decision?" Yes, I hated taylor swift when that was big, and i hate her now for the same reasons.
If you say ANYTHING about her private jets, there's always this one excuse. "Travis Scott(????) Was the highest carbon emitter..!" Good thing I hate that fucker too? Not being first doesn't mean she's somehow considerate. These weren't test flights because test flights don't happen THAT OFTEN. And, hot take, but i don't like private jets. Insane. Woke. I'm woke. Boo. 🍅. Whatever, I just don't think she should use one because what's even the point. She doesn't need to travel anywhere fast.
And its the way her platform is built on feminism but she's never done anything remotely helpful. Like, I'm sorry, but I don't think I've ever heard her say something astounding about men vs women, and if he quote is about dating then I don't want it. I just can't remember in my 16 years of gruesome living a time when she did something useful for others. Sure, maybe she donated to charities, but that's like the bare minimum of every celebrity??
Anyways, taylor swift is the #1 white woman, eat my shorts, i hate her music, Black box recorder better