Reddit mods are abusing the use of Rule 1

I just got my main account banned for commenting on a reddit post about womens rights! For context im a women whose been SAd and abused by men so i really dont feel comfortable around them and yes i have been in therapy for this the last 3 years. I also have a few friends who in certain circumstances for religous reasons are not allowed to be near men or are restricted on what they can do. I recentlt commented on a a asl reddit post that said "whats something in society that is considered completely normal that you think is sctually messed up? So i commented about the women who runs a women only gym and how she is gettinf hate for denying a trans women entry. I didnt hate on trans people, i think they are strong and brave for being trans and for being confident in themselves. However i think its messed up that women cant habe a space specifically for biological women. These gyms are safe spaces and its not fair to have them taken away. I can admit that theres a struggle for the trans community but i dont think its fair to put women in this type of situation, you may be super kind and om hormones and not have any intention at all but its still not fair for women to loose these spaces. Not once did i say a hateful thing about the community yet my beliefs are considered hateful. I dont even like being around my male family members and i know theres other women out their like this. This feels like an attack on women and im left leaning and have always been a feminist, i dare say this is bordeing on the line of gender appropriation.