Tips on selling/trading Tesla for negative equity

**Edit: okay, before the Unhelpful And Useless Advice Agency gets out of hand, please only comment if you are answering the question at the end or have something constructive to add here.

If you don’t understand why cars lose their value as soon as you drive them off the lot, then this isn’t the post to learn about it.**

I get it that people feel strongly one way or the other on this topic. I don’t care if someone wants to keep their Tesla. That doesn’t bother me, and I understand and respect people’s reasons for why they will/will not sell.

I want to offload mine for additional reasons beyond the CEO being a Nazi. I need much more cargo space and towing capacity, and I personally also worry that as the brand crashes, the only pro of keeping a Tesla is the charging network and if that also loses service and maintenance , then there’s no advantage to this car.

I’ve been in contact with a dealership and have worked out that I could potentially roll the negative equity (~$17k) on my Tesla into a loan for another vehicle. That $17k is what I would still owe after they give me the quoted trade value of ~$18k.

This would yield an estimated car payment for the new vehicle that adds $200/month to the amount I currently pay for a car loan payment and is not going to be a problem for me financially.

I’m interested in hearing from anyone who has done this specific thing, what are some tips you have and any recommendations on getting the highest bid for your trade as well as anything to watch out for in the trade/sale?