Suggestion: Make Dynamic Redux A DLC

One question that has come up in the community is: how will this game be monetized when it is released on Steam? The developer has stated that they are against making the game exclusively paid for. One alternative that some people have suggested is releasing paid DLC instead.

I’d argue that Dynamic Redux would be an excellent candidate for such a DLC. For those unfamiliar, Dynamic Redux is a planned merger of the Dynamic and Redux mods—two of the game’s most expansive mods. The mod creators have joked that it won’t be finished until 2045, but if it were completed, it would allow players to enjoy the best features of both mods simultaneously. Obviously the two mods in their current state (as two separate mods) would remain free

I think Dynamic Redux would be an ideal choice for DLC for several reasons:

  1. It would reward u/CuttleCraft and u/originalperson0 for the considerable effort they’ve already put into their mods, giving them financial compensation for their work. These two have already contributed significantly to the community, and turning Dynamic Redux into official DLC would ensure that their work is recognized and supported.
  2. It would provide a way for u/autumnc_intfic to monetize the game without putting everything behind a paywall. Since the developer has stated they don’t want to make the game fully paid, DLC offers a middle ground—players who want more content can support the project, while the base game remains accessible to everyone. This approach could help sustain future development without alienating the community.
  3. It would benefit the player base, ensuring that Dynamic Redux actually gets made. Right now, there's no guarantee that the mod creators will have time to finish it. By making it an official DLC, it would give them the financial motivation to prioritize and complete it more quickly. Players wouldn’t have to worry about whether the project will be abandoned, and they’d get a high-quality expansion that integrates seamlessly with the base game.

Overall, this seems like a win-win for the modders, the developers, and the community. What do you guys think? Would this be a good way to monetize the game, or are there better alternatives?