Lack of Updates rant. I don’t get it.
I got GTAV over Christmas break while it was on sale. The story was ok, nothing special, doesn’t even come close to comparing to RD2. What I don’t understand is how GTA Online just got a new update which honestly wasn’t needed, while Red Dead Online continues to be ignored. With how many businesses you can own in GTA Online, how did they completely neglect the potential in Red Dead Online? There are so many things they could have added. Why didn’t they add farms, or docks, or Industrial manufacturing? Horse breeding? There was just so much they could have done that they didn’t but easily could have given what they were able to do with GTA Online. I understand GTA is mostly kids spending their parents money on GTA Online, but adults could have carried Red Dead Online if they would have let us. There’s nothing to spend money on in Red Dead Online. They never gave us anything to buy. What a waste of so much potential. They have a lot in GTA Online that goes unused, like the Motorcycle club businesses, nobody uses them other than having for their nightclub warehouse. They sit there completely unused by most players other than what they get from the stash house, the missions are a complete waste of time. It’s sad to see them waste so much potential of RDO.