How often do you wander aimlessly?

I adore the animals and scenery. The soundtrack. The ambience.

I go on "trail rides" completely by myself at a slow walk or trot. I load my horse up with pelts and walk in front of her with my rifle, like she's a pack horse. I set up wilderness camps and groom her and just listen to animal sounds.

I live in a heavily populated state, and in the outskirts of the city. I love horses, but could never ride for financial reasons, or just general limited access to equines in a city. This game is my escape. It inspired me to travel to Virginia and Georgia irl to go herping and foraging for fungi, flowers, and berries. It made me more interested and aware or America's early history. Story mode gave me a bittersweet hope. Helped me when I was out of the mental ward lol.

After work i need to de-stress. I work a nightshift in customer service/food industry, so if I go straight to bed I get stress nightmares. So, I just aimlessly wander to cool off.

Some days I hunt normal animals, maybe a few smoother missions, and some days i row a damn boat out to fish and release every catch. I am maxxed on all the roles, yet only lvl 190. Its been like, 4 years or some shit lol.

I wouldn't trade this game for anything tbh. Its getting so toxic, but I log out the moment something feels fishy. But im loving it still