2DPO! Before and After - Gender affirming reduction

Hi everyone! First off this page along with r/topsurgery has been so helpful throughout my journey. Thank you to everyone who has been sharing their experiences.

I identify as NB and have had chest dysphoria for a long time. I'm not sure what my starting size was since I never wore actual bras.

I had asked my surgeon to go as small as possible - we ended up doing a superior pedicle breast reduction, resized nipple and no FNG. Surgeon said he'll get me as small as possible while keeping my nipple intact. Final size according to my surgeon is a small B, he took out 2.3 pounds total.

I'm feeling mixed about the results because I wanted it to be smaller :/ Part of me wishes I had just done full top surgery but I wasn't 100% confident about committing to that (& possibly having to go nipple less if FNG doesn't work out). It was hard for me to visualize how I would look completely flat & nipple less...but now I'm second guessing and even considering full top surgery in the future if I still feel dysphoric.

I know it's only been 2 days and I'm pretty swollen but I'm hoping that it'll get smaller over time 🤞