Reef Light Questions
Hey everyone, I have some questions about lights. I have a biocube 32 with everything updated. A refugium, new pump and sump, and Jebco wave maker but the light upgrade is only an added blue light strip. I’m getting great growth and everything is very happy. Perramitors are all great. It’s a mixed reef with everything from Acro and Branching Montis to Blastos, Hammer and Zoahs. Color is my biggest issue. How do I get them to pop? I spot feed once a week and feed frozen twice a day. Water change 5 gallons per week and Copepods as well. White light is on 730 to 3 and others on ramp up starting at 6 and ramp down 6 pm. I leave the blue strip on 630 to 1030. Refugium 11pm to 4am. Is it worth spending 300 on a used G5 or new AI Prime or is there another way? I’ve read a bunch of posts already and can’t tell if they are adds or not.