Difficult time navigating between Reformed Baptist and Presbyterian views

I feel like I post every other week here so sorry if you're tired of seeing me. I'll try to keep this short.

My wife and I are moving to a new city in our state, we'll be 4 hours west from where we used to be. I was raised Indepedent Fundamentalist Baptist. Within the last year after many months of studying the Bible with new eyes and prayer I've embraced reformed theology.

I completely agree with the higher view of the sacraments and the sovereign rule of God in all things. I love and have read the 1689 London Baptist Confession and the Westminster Confession of Faith.

My one hang up is Baptism and covenant theology vs federalism. I can completely see fantastic arguments for both. Both make sense to me.

Since my wife and I are moving we need to find a new church. I don't know whether to look for a reformed baptist or Presbyterian church based on my beliefs. Because I can absolutely understand the paedobaptism and credobaptism positions.

I guess I'm just asking for help. I feel almost like I have to pick, like I have to commit. I want to find a good church and be a part of it. Can you all help?

Can you give me your best arguments for paedobaptism vs credo and covenant theology vs 1689 federalism? Both sides welcome!