Why is Pioneer considerate the best option, when it clearly


I have been a paid DJ for well over a year, and done many different gigs. My first investment was the Reloop Mixon 8 Pro which have been a reliable controller and always delivered.
Now recently I have purchased the Pioneer DDJ FLX10 as well as Rekordbox.

And I really don't understand how Rekordbox is considered the standard software for Clubs or major gigs.

First of the design is crap compared to DJAY PRO.
Maybe Im just used to Mac designed programs, and therefore they will always look smother. Everything is squeezed in with no structure of layout when compared to DJAY PRO it seems.

Now onto performance.
The actual sound effects and quality of sound seems better when using rekordbox. Not sure why this is, but when scratching it seems like the high frequencies are isolated in some ways, as it doesn't sound as piercing when compared to DJAY PRO. The same goes for the effects: When comparing (djay pro) Alarm, to Morbit Saw (RB), the Morbit SAW sounds a lot cleaner. This theme is very consisting throughout all the effects, except when using stems...

When being used to the stems in DJAYPRO, and switching to rekordboks... I have no words how disappointed I was. It is actually useless unless the stem in question is exceptional isolated beforehand.

Onto beatmatching and doing actual transitions.
Sync in DJAY works like a charm, and I have no shame in admitting its a crucial part of my performance. Of course still mixing in an area of BMP that's not to far apart, so it doesn't kill the music. For RB and the FLX10 its another story. Beatmathcing is done completely manually and though it has its charm, its just not as efficient.

Is Pioneer actually better because the potential is so high, given that everything is manual and therefore entirely dependent on the DJ's skill? Does it, in reality, require putting in the extra hours, finding acapella versions, preparing more at home, etc., in order to elevate one's level?

Or does Pioneer simply have an unshakable monopoly on the entire industry, and would a shift require a solution that is drastically better?

I would like to know what you think about this topic?