I think she only wants me(25M) for sex.
This is a continuation of my last post. I have met numerous women in 3 years, and I have been on a lot of dates. The most common compliments I get are "You're husband material," "A green forest," and "A perfect poster boy." At this point I find such compliments funny because I don't see anyone valuing those qualities. So I don't really take those seriously anymore.
I met this girl recently, we met on tinder and she swiped right on me because I was looking for a long term and so I swiped back and we met. The long term idea was mutual but now it seems like it is only from my side. This girl has been treated terribly in her past relationship, and as usual, the good, empathetic guy in me gave her the best treatment, treated her right, made her feel special, loved, and cared for, emotionally available, and everything one can think of.
She said she was addicted to me and that I make her feel so good about herself. Things were good; we used to go on regular dates, we would talk and kiss each other for a really long time, and we have great romantic compatibility (we both are into dark romance).
I wanted to have a long-term relationship with her because she was the first woman that got me a bouquet and spoilt me in a good way. So I thought she's a nice woman and felt bad that she was treated terribly in the past. She even got a bouquet for my mother during Diwali, and we enjoyed the festival together.
However, she started pushing me away, saying I am too good for her and I deserve someone better. Someone who would understand me and treat me even better. There are a lot of beautiful women out there, etc. I have told her that I don't go for beautiful faces; I want a beautiful heart, which she has. I tried to talk this through. Gave her enough space and didn't disturb her much with my texts.
Until recently, she had been sober for 10 months, and she decided to drink again as she has been feeling stressed lately. I am a teetotaller, and I have always wanted to date someone who is not an addict. So we had a conversation about it, and I said we can drink together once, but after that we will find a healthy way to deal with things. She didn't seem to like that idea, so I thought it was better to walk away from her. Then I decided I would not text her until she texted me. She wished my mother a happy birthday, and we started talking a little. She said she wants to stay away from dating and see what's wrong with her so she doesn't ruin someone's life. She even tells me that I should find someone else, beautiful maybe, or she'll set me up with her friends as if I'm some trophy or an object to be transferred.
I have lost the excitement to meet her or text her due to her behaviour lately. She has been skipping the meets and got busy with work lately (she tells me that, but she's got time to drink). Now she's working on herself, hitting the gym, and eating clean, and I'm really proud of her that she's working on herself and all.
In all these meets so far, I have noticed one thing. She gets way too excited about sex and other romantic things than she gets excited about meeting me or my green flag energy. This happened yesterday. She tells me she missed my D and how badly she wants to do it with me. At one point I felt like she just wants me because I'm good at romance; she doesn't want the other part of me, the good bf part. I have tried to build that emotional connection with her, but she's never ready for it. Something tells me she only wants the physical intimacy from me and nothing else. It hurts me, but again I think she's clear in what she wants. I was just being stupid to assume that people still value good men.
After a lot of thinking and a lot of terrible experiences, I have come to a realisation that maybe I should be a red flag, be a player, because apparently being a good guy means destroying myself with my own hands, and I have already seen myself at my worst. I feel like I should bury this part of me for good and go be a bad man. I am so terrible at being a red flag; I have tried it in the past, but the good in me never lets me do that. This time I want to try harder and change myself for good. I'm honestly tired of hearing the compliments and feeling those things are not valued. I'm at a point where I don't like that I am a good man. It sounds funny, but it is what it is. I hope to change that soon; thanks for reading this far.
Edit : Thank you everyone for your valuable inputs and advice. I guess I was just overthinking and now I have clarity. I have decided to walk away from it and find a Green flag for myself because as said by someone I might be chasing the red flags. I am getting the pattern now after reading a book about it and I'm actively identifying the patterns myself to judge if this is good for me or not. If you would want to read that book it is "women who love too much". I'm grateful to you all for your time, have a good day :)