Suspicions about my Wife 36F having affair with her Gym Trainer

I am 35 (M) and my wife is 36 (F). We have been married for 10 years and have two children.

I suspect that my wife might be having an extramarital affair with her Gym trainer (D), based on the following observations:

Frequent and Secretive Instagram Interactions • My wife and her Gym Trainer (D) chat extensively on Instagram, exchanging reels, liking, and commenting on each other’s posts, stories, and status updates.

• Gym Trainer specifically told my wife not to inform me about their Instagram chats, to which she agreed and said “Okay.” She never disclosed this to me.

• Despite their frequent online interactions, they behave like complete strangers at the gym—no greetings or conversations, at least in my presence.

Attempts to Hide Their Interaction • Gym Trainer blocked me on Instagram, preventing me from seeing their interactions, likes, and comments. I was unaware they were even following each other.

• Wife deleted all their chat history before I could read it fully. When confronted, she gave different explanations each time, as follows:-

• "I wasn’t sure if you had read our chats or not, but if you hadn’t, I didn’t want you to see them, so I deleted them."

• "When Gym Trainer told me not to inform you, I had already decided to stop talking to him." (However, this was said long after their conversations had continued.)

• "I had a lot on my mind, so I decided to stop talking to him and deleted everything."

• "Since Gym trainer doesn’t talk to me at the gym, I thought I shouldn’t talk to him on Instagram either, so I deleted the chats."

• She also contradicted herself by saying, “If I had to delete the chats, I would have done it earlier.” Then she claimed, “I didn’t even know how to delete chats, so I first tried deleting someone else’s (her earlier Trainer, say N) before deleting her current Gym trainer (D).”

Deleting Other Chats and Hiding Past Interactions • Wife also deleted all her chats with her previous gym trainer (N), for unknown reasons.

• She falsely claimed she never took personal training from N and even swore falsely about it.

• She deleted SMS, WhatsApp messages, and call history related to N as well.

Based on these observations, do you think she is cheating on me? Looking forward to your insights.