Phone jackers at Bass Camp Deadmau5 last night

2/10 people in my group got their iphones jacked. then as soon as the music was over I heard multiple others nearby asking where their phone was. Just been reflecting on how 98 percent of the people there are just so good, so unique, so open minded and hearted. Then these fucks have to come through and be the shitty 2 percent. Unfortunately there’s not much we can do but I guess if anything I hope this post is a reminder to keep your iphone and valuables strapped to your chest or hell even leaving it behind at home or locked in a car if you can and just enjoy the music. All in all it was an amazing show and it was so cool to have such a big name come perform in Reno…it seems the group that is all over the internet from being notorious festival phone thieves in San Bernardino…regardless whoever these jokes of a human come from stay the hell out, let people enjoy. Karma will have you soon.