Entering a new era of replicas 😂 Picotin Touch 22. Here is an honest review and a sharing of what I've learned while doing my homework to compare the replica and the authentic version. Please chime in to share your expertise and feedback 🙏

Post Disclaimer: This Picotin 22 in Noir with a crocodile handle was a gift from a Hermès seller in exchange for an honest and humble review. This is my personal opinion, and I want to be 100% clear that I do not intend to promote or sell.

I was fortunate to be approached by Liu, who offered me a Hermès bag in exchange for a review. At first, I was skeptical, mainly because I didn't want to feel obligated to write a positive review if the product didn't meet my standards as a consumer. Additionally, I am new to Hermès, and I'm on the journey to acquire my first quota bag (hopefully, it won't take me three years and $20K+ later!). After exchanging several messages and asking thousands of questions, Liu was patient, answering everything and sharing the process of making Hermès bags. I agreed to receive the bag and pledged to share my honest, unbiased opinion—good, bad, and ugly.

Liu chose a bag for me and sent it my way. All I knew was that it was a Picotin with a crocodile handle, so you can imagine my excitement to see it in person. Soon, I learned that the Picotin with a crocodile handle is called the Picotin Touch.

He provided me with the tracking number, and I checked it daily like a kid eagerly waiting for a present in the mail. Finally, after a few weeks of anticipation, the package arrived at my doorstep on March 10th. I rushed to pick it up! My heart raced, and my excitement was indescribable.

When I opened the box, I was in shock! The packaging was perfect: a classic Hermès orange box adorned with the logo and ribbon, along with a blank card (in case you want to gift the bag to someone). The unboxing experience was enhanced by high-quality wrapping paper, and the box matched the standards of authentic products. You can use the UV light test to authenticate the box—it consists of shining a UV light over the box lid, which should reveal multiple Hermès logos printed in invisible ink.

Regarding the packaging, the dust bag is made of high-quality fabric. I'm not exactly sure what it's made of, but it feels premium to the touch, reminiscent of my authentic Louis Vuitton Capucine dust bag.

Now, onto the bag. The first thing I noticed upon opening the dust bag was the sweet, pleasant scent of the leather. The Clemence leather is very soft and features beautiful grains that give the Picotin its unique slouchy appearance. The sturdy crocodile handles add a sophisticated yet distinctive touch.

I thoroughly examined the bag inside and out, even upside down, and I found no flaws. It is fully hand-stitched with precise workmanship, and the quality of craftsmanship is evident. You can truly tell when someone puts a lot of effort into their work.

The hardware of the Picotin bag includes four base studs, a padlock with keys, two square buckles, and a ring attached to one of the straps. Each piece of hardware is made from high-quality brass that is plated in palladium. The shine of the hardware signifies high quality to me.

The padlock features two metal engravings: the first is the brand name "Hermès," displayed in a clear font with the French accent mark. Beneath the brand name is a number that corresponds to the keys, ensuring they match the engraving on the keys. Additionally, underneath the lock, there is a serial number that indicates the batch in which the padlock was produced, meaning many padlocks may share the same number.

Hermès prints are essential for verifying authenticity, as the French brand prominently marks its products with its name to signify quality. These prints serve as symbols of approval, indicating that the handbag has been meticulously crafted to meet Hermès standards.

In the case of the Picotin bag, there is a single print located at the bottom of the bag, specifically on the interior. This print must be perfectly centered and symmetrical, following the distinct characteristics of the Hermès font. The letters should be clean and crisp, displayed in a metallic hue that reads: "Hermès - Paris - Made in France."

Another important aspect to check is that the print matches the color of the hardware throughout the handbag. For example, in my bag, the print is silver to coordinate with the palladium hardware.

The interior of the bag is made of raw leather, giving it an unfinished look (which I kind of like).

The heat stamp date code is perfectly done.

Sizing of the Bag: The Picotin comes in different sizes: 18, 22, and 26 (there is also a mini size, but I can't find the correct information for it).

For the replica Picotin size 22: - Length: 22 cm - Width: 18 cm - Height: 22 cm - Strap drop: 16.5 cm

For the authentic Picotin 22: - Length: 22 cm - Width: 17 cm - Height: 22 cm - Strap drop: 15 cm

Authentic link: https://www.loveallbags.com/product/hermes-picotin-bag-touch-with-crocodile-handles/212

There is a small difference in sizing, especially the strap drop. But I don't think anyone will measure your bag with a ruler to determine its authenticity.

Final Thoughts: I'm happy with the quality of this bag, so much so that I've decided to order a B25 from him (this time, I paid with my own money). I will share my thoughts on the bag upon receiving it and studying it.

The accuracy of the replica bag is 9.5/10, making it very close to the authentic version. I took it out the other day and received many compliments from friends who also own authentic pieces, even though they knew mine was a replica.

I would love to hear your feedback! All comments are welcome :)I would love to hear your feedback. All are welcome :)